Numerical solution for the viscous temporal stability of compressible mixinglayers with symmetric compact difference schemes
  Revised:April 13, 2000
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KeyWord:mixing layer,stability analysis,temporal mode,compacted difference scheme
Wang Qiang  Fu Dexun  Ma Yanwen
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      Based on the first-order form of compressible stability equations, a family of symmetric compacted difference schemes with high precision is employed for the boundary value problem in numerical stability analysis. A generalized form of the second order local iteration method is given for the obtained nonlinear discretized eigenvalue problem, hence both temporal and spatial stability can be observed similarly, and disturbance eigenmodes and their eigenfunctions are gained simultaneously. The temporal stability for compressible plane free mixing layers is investigated, including two and three dimensional waves, viscous inviscid waves, first and second modes, eigenfunctions, pseudo-eigenvalue spectra and so on. The results show that the viscosity as well as compressibility may reduce the wavenumber and growth rate of the unstable waves. Furthermore, near Mc=1, the viscosity may accelerate the change of two dimensional most unstable waves from the first mode to the second mode at high wavenumber.