Research on constructional steel damage constitutive relations
  Revised:February 25, 2000
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KeyWord:steel structure,elasto plastic anisotropic damage,constitutive relation
ZHENG Hong 1  YU Mao hong 1  GU Qiang 2
Hits: 1662
Download times: 14
      It's one of the five basic researches to damage mechanics to build up the objective constitutive relations of the steel for the elasto plastic analyses of the steel structures under the action of the earthquake. A new kind of constitutive model--the elasto plastic anisotropic damage model of the constructional steel is put forward, which includes the mixed hardening criterion, Bauschinger effect, yield plateau, hardening (softening) influence, damage and damage evolution. The results of the calculation on the thick Aluminum ring compared with ones of the tests show that the model can reflects the real work characteristics of the constructional steel under the cyclic loads. The constitutive relation of the steel set forth here is suitable for the elasto plastic analyses of the steel structures under the earthquake, also for the further research on the destruction mechanism of the steel structures under the earthquake.