A two-step second-order TVD scheme for nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws
  Revised:March 23, 2000
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KeyWord:TVD component wise,conservation laws.
YU Heng 1  ZHANG Hui sheng
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      TVD schemes are a kind of high resolution shock capturing schemes. However when applied to systems of conservation laws, the conventional TVD schemes are often built upon the complicated field by field decompositions. In this paper, we propose a two step component wise TVD scheme for nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws, which is obtained by combining the schemes of Mac Cormack and Warming Beam. This two step scheme takes the predictor of the first order upwinding and employs a corrector of component wise TVD limiting. It does not necessitate the conventional characteristic decomposition. For the approximations to Euler systems of conservation laws, the new scheme is found to be two times faster in computation than the usual TVD schemes based on field by field decomposition limiting. Moreover, it runs even a bit faster and presents higher resolution than the same order component wise ENO schemes. A lot of numerical results show adequately the superiorities of the new scheme.