Homogenization high precision direct integration
  Revised:July 10, 1999
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KeyWord:HPD,non-homogenous linear dynamic system,HHPD
WANG Yue-xian 1  ZHOU Gang 2  CHEN Jun 1  RUAN Xue-yu 1
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      The arithmetic of HPD (High Precise Direct integration) proposed by Wanxie Zhong is very valuable in engineering. For the dynamic response of structures, Zhong established the algorithm of LHPD, in which the load is linearized within one time-step. Through combining with the Fourier method and special solution, Lin put forward the HPD-F. However, both of the algorithms require computing the inverse of the systematic matrix and its relative matrixes - in mathematics, which means, it requires the matrixes to be non-singular. Then there exit two problems: 1.when the systematic matrix or its relative matrixes is singular, how to devise the HPD? 2.the implementation of the algorithms demands to the high-precise solution to inverse matrixes. In this article, using the technology of homogenization, we devise the method of the HHPD to compute the dynamic response of structures. The HHPD is not involved the computation of the inverse matrixes, and solve successfully the above problems. Moreover, This algorithm has several advantages, such as simpler in principle, easier to generalize and implement etc. At last, the results of two examples show that HHPD is more effective.