Reliability and performance based optimization designfor seismic RC frame-wall structures
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KeyWord:structural reliability,structural optimization design,structural seismic design,Performance-based design,frame-wall structures
LI Gang  \ CHENG Geng-dong
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      As the development tendency for structural seismic design, the concept of performance based seismic design has drawn more and more attentions in the field of earthquake engineering and undergone a lot of developments in recent years. The basic idea of performance based seismic design is the optimization design based on cost-effectiveness criteria, considering the structural "individuality" and the uncertainties in the seismic design. The theory and methodology of reliability and performance based optimization design for seismic high-rise structures are studied in the present paper. The optimization design formula for seismic RC frame-wall structures is established, and the simplified approximate approach to calculate structural reliability is proposed. Finally, the seismic optimization design for high-rise RC frame-wall structure is carried out.