Influence of soil-structure interaction on effectiveness of TMD control for wind response of high-rising building
  Revised:June 15, 1999
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KeyWord:Tuned Mass Damper control,soil\|structure interaction,wind response,high\|rising building
LOU Meng-lin  WU Jing-ning
Hits: 1232
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      We have established the equations of motion of the high\|rising building under the wind excitation including the soil\|structure interaction, and studied the influence of the interaction on the effectiveness of the Tuned Mass Damper control for the wind response of the soil\|structure system. In the study, several different analysis parameters, such as the height and vibration damping ratio of the building, the type of the foundation and shear wave velocity of the soil, are taken into consideration. The numerical results show that the soil\|structure interaction has an important influence on the TMD control for wind response of the high\|rising building. However, the influence is different with in the case of the TMD control for seismic response.