Effect of linear hardening coefficient on the elasto-plastic singular stress field near an interface edge
  Revised:February 20, 1999
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KeyWord:interface edge,linear hardening,elastoplasticity,singularity,boundary element method
XU Jin\|quan  \ FU Lie\|dong
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      Using the elasto\|plastic boundary element method, numerical analysis on the interface edge of bonded materials with different hardening coefficient were carried out. The results show that when the hardening coefficient is relatively large, the elasto\|plastic stress near the interface edge is close to the theoretical solution, which is derived from the simplified constructive relationship. While the hardening coefficient is comparatively small, the theoretical zone controlled by singular stress becomes fairly small, and the singularity differs from the theoretical solution to a considerable extent in most of the field. The results also show that as the hardening coefficient decreases, the transitionally zone becomes larger and the distribution of the stress in the yield zone becomes more plat. Under small\|scale yield condition, the stress distribution outside the yield zone is similar to singular stress distribution without considering the plastic yield. So the elastic singular stress field can be used to narrate the elasto\|plastic stree field approximately under small scale yield condition, but the stress intensity coefficient is larger that the elastic one, moreover, it increases as the hardening coefficient decreases.