Reliability of the voting engineering system under failure-dependence
  Revised:May 12, 1999
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KeyWord:voting engineering system,conditional probability,failure dependence,reliability
ZHANG Peng 1  WANG Guang yuan 2
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      When a system is acted by a stochastically disturbing source (for example, the seismic or the hurricane) which satisfies the hypotheses of spacing homogeneity and simultaneity, its reliability should be analyzed under failure dependence of structures. The failure dependence problem of structures in series and parallel systems acted by a seismic had been solved by the conditional probability in the references [1 3]. On the basis of that, conditional probabilities and their approximate expression method under safety, failure and their mixture information are put forward farther in the paper for popular voting engineering system. Secondly, the general calculation procedure of reliability of the failure dependent voting system is built. Meanwhile, the problems of reliability of voting system were discussed under failure independence and failure full dependence of structures too. Finally, Two examples are analyzed.