Time-domain finite element technique for response calculation of nonlinear vibration system with fold linearity
  Revised:November 30, 1998
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KeyWord:non-linearity with fold linearity,vibration response,time-domain finite element,elastic-perfect plasticit
CHEN Guo\|ping
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      A study on solving the response of nonlinear vibration system with fold linearity is presented in this paper. A finite element model in time domain is developed basded on its fold linearity. When all nodal responses in one time segment have been solved, the conditions of turning point are used to determine whether there exist turning points in this time segment. If such turning points appear in this region, the smallest one is taken as the initial time of the next segment, otherwise the last time node is considered as the initial time of the next segment. Then the response of next time segment will be calculated. Both the turning point and the responses before this point in current seggment can be relatively exactly solved by presented method. Some results with high precision are got from some numerical examples in the paper, which verify that the method presented is very effective and useful.