Numerical selection of generalize coordinates for constrained multibody systems
  Revised:June 30, 1999
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KeyWord:multibody systems,generalize coordinates,DAEs
QI Zhao\|hui  WANG Kun  TANG Li\|min
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      The more efficient way to decrease violation of constraint in constrained multibody systems is to use generalize coordinate partition technique. When using such methods, a set of nonlinear algebraic equations must be solved by a numerical iteration process, which usually cost much CPU time and may be difficult to obtain a convergent numerical result due to inadequate initial value. We present a new method of generalize coordinate partition in which no numerical iteration process is necessary. The main idea of the method is to construct a curve line on the constraint manifold. The curve line connect two points, one is the point whose coordinate are all known, another one is the point only independent coordinate of which is known. Then the dependent coordinate can be obtained by integrate along the curve line. The applications of the method in modeling constrained multibody system is also presented in this paper.