Study on the equivalent mechanical model of the structural nonlinear vibration and control systems
  Revised:September 04, 1998
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KeyWord:nonlinear vibration and control, equivalent mechanical model, equal dimension manipulating, equivalent linearization
LI Chun xiang 1  LIU Yan xia 2  HUANG Jin zhi 1  WANG Zhao min 2
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      The equivalent mechanical model of the structural nonlinear vibration and control systems was studied in this paper. The equivalent linearization was made for the nonlinear vabration structures. The first few displacements of the structures can be measured. Next, the equivalent mechanical model was developed after making the dimension of the stochastic excitation and the observation noise equal. Through investigation on application of the model, the multi and one dimension equivalent mechanical models, the equivalent modal mechanical that and the linear mechanical that of the multi and tall story structures subjected to earthquake or wind were obtained, respectively. Eventually, the application of the model in adaptive control of the multi and tall story structures under earthquake and wind was given.