Identification of material parameterswith gradient-regularization method
  Revised:July 05, 1998
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KeyWord:gradient regularization method,Frechet derivative,regularization parameters,parameter identification,ill posedness,elliptic operator equation
LIU Ying xi 1  WANG Deng gang 1  ZHANG Jia liang 2  LI Shou ju 1  LU Zhen gang 3  YU Ya jun 3
Hits: 3551
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      This paper makes further researches on the Gradient Regularization method, and not only establishes a fresh iterative gradient regularization algorithm in a brief way but also gives a practical way to choose regularization parameters. These numerical examples which identify parameters of elliptic operator equations not only show that GR method has a wide scope of application and poses good capability of noise resistance, but also illustrate that GR method poses higher convergence speed and larger convergence scope.