Method of state vector transfer in analysis of tall frames
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KeyWord:characters of ports layout,regional combination,region economic,sustainable development
Wang Jianguo  \ \ Yu Chuanjun
(Department of Civil Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 200039, China)
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      In this paper the nodal displacements and forces of column ends of tall frames are taked as state vector. The method of transfer matrix and one story by one story are used to solve tall frames. Each story of the frames is taked as a basic element. The transfer relation of the column\|end state vector of a basic element and the column\|end state vector of an ajecement basic element is established. In analysis the increase of the story number of the frame is only reduced to the increase of successive matrix multiplication, the number of unknowns is not increased. The ability of computer solving problems is raised.Key words:tall frames, state vector; transfer matrixorts resource in Liaoning, the current state of development of port and it's allocation, the characters of from develop of types of regional combination of ports, position of under region economic and discussion relevant to sustainable development of ports in Liaoning.