Nonlinear static analysis of two-span continuous cables sliding on the middle supporting
  Revised:November 10, 1997
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KeyWord:continuous cable,initial equilibrium,static response,nonlinear analysis
Tang Jianmin 1  Zhuo Jiashou 2
(1.Shenzhen TianDi Realestate Development Co. Ltd., Shenzhen 518008, China; 2.College of Civil Engineering, Hehai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
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      According to the nonlinear theory elastically, and in terms of the equilibrium of single cable, a nonlinear analytical method of initial equilibrium and static response for the two\|span continuous cables sliding on the middle supporting was presented in this paper. The nonlinear computation formula and the calculation method and steps were established. The method can be used to compute the initial prestressed configuration of the above cable structures if the unstressed length of cables is given and to analyze the nonlinear static response under the uniformly loading along the cable's length. The results of two examples show that the method presented in the paper led to good precision in comparison with the numerical method.