Elastic-plastic stress distribution in anisotropic bicrystals and tricrystals
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KeyWord:crystallographic finite element,bicrystal,tricrystal,stress distribution
Yue Zhufeng  Lu Zhenzhou  Li Haiyan
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      The crystallographic finite element method has been used in the analysis of the elastic\|plastic distributions in anisotropic bicrystals and tricrytals, taking the different crystallographic orientations into consideration. The results of bicrystal model, considering the different crystallographic orientations, shows that there are stress concentrations near the boundaries. The features of stress concentrations are dependent on the crystallographic orientations of the two grains. The existing of triple junctions in the tricrystals may result in the stress concentrations, may not, depending on the crystallographic orientations of the three grains. The work of the paper shows that it is only by the detail study of the stress distribution that the metal fracture can be understood deeply.