Dynamic analysis for deployment process of foldable aerospace structures
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KeyWord:deployable,retractable aerospace structure,equations of motion,dynamic analysis of deployment process
Chen Wujun  \ Guan Fuling  \ Chen Xiangyang
(Div. of Space Structures, Civil Engineering Department, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)
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      Based on Huston's form of Kane's equation, equations of motion are formulated for deployable/retractable aerospace structures, with recursive Euler parameter and translation supposed as generalized coordinate, and recursive angular velocity and translation velocity as generalized velocity. The orthogonal complement to constrained Jacobi B is developed through pseudo uppertriangular depomposition (PUTD) method, based on Householder transformation, and Gramn\|Schmidt orthogonal process. Differential algebraic equations(DAEs) are reduced to ordinary differential equations(ODEs) with elimination of undetermined multipliers using PUTD. Time history of motion is got through Gear's integration algorithm. Numerical example proves that the foreging algorithm is suitable for deployment analysis of deployable aerospace structures.