A new numerical method--element free Galerkin method (EFGM)
  Revised:December 31, 1997
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KeyWord:meshless,moving least square (MLS),weight function,Lagrange multiplier,
Pang Zuohui  Ge Xiurun  Zheng Hong  Wang Shuilin
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      Element free Galerkin method (EFGM), similar to FEM, is a new numerical method developed recently. In EFGM, in order to get a numerical solution for a partial differential equation, shape function is constructed by Moving Least Square (MLS), control equation is produced from the weak form of variational equation and Lagrange multipliers are used to satisfy essential boundary conditions. The merits of EFGM are (1) only nodal data are necessary, i. e. there is no need to join nodes into elements; (2) high accuracy can be achieved; (3) postprocess is easy, etc. In this paper, the basic principle of EFGM and the implementation of it are introduced, in addition, several examples are given to show that this method is promising.