A dynamic condensation technique via inverse iteration method
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KeyWord:finite element modeling,modal analysis,dynamic condensation,model reduction,inverse iteration,
Qu Zuqing  Hua Hongxing  Fu Zhifang
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      Dynamic condensation methods for finite element models have been broadly applied in eigenvalue problems of large structures, test analysis model correlation and so on. Based on the inverse iteration method, an iterative technique for dynamic condensation of finite element models has been derived in this paper. The approach has three advantages. Firstly, the convergent rate is much higher than all the iterative methods for dynamic condensation proposed in the past, especially when the approximate values of the reduced model are close to the full model. Second, the convergence can be proven simply according to the subspace iteration method. Finally, it is unnecessary to calculate the stiffness, mass matrices and eigenproblem of the condensed model in every iteration. This makes the proposed method more computationally efficient than the usual ones, especially when the number of the master degrees of freedom are large.