A method for analyzing the dynamics of mechanical systems with local nonlinearities
  Revised:July 15, 1997
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KeyWord:substructuring techniques,mode analysis,nonlinear dynamics,rotors,bearings,
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      The number of degrees of freedom (DOF) of the linear components of a system with local nonlinearities is reduced by the component mode synthesis technique based on fixed interface eigenmodes and bound flexibility modes. The order of linear DOF of the system is reducted only, while the nonlinear DOF is still in physical space. A Newmark's Scheme Based Predictor Corrector Algorithm is presented for analyzing the long tem dynamics of reduced dynamic system, and this algorithm is iterative with nonlinear DOF only. The convergence of this algorithm is rapider than that of the classical Newmark integration schemes. A numerical example is presented, it is found that the method is effective for analyzing the long term behavior of mechanical systems with local nonlinearity.