Numerical solutions of mixed finite elements for thin axisymmetric cylindrical shell with free edge boundary conditions
  Revised:July 06, 1997
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KeyWord:free edge,thin axisymmetric cylindrical shell,least squares mixed finite element approximating method,
method in the norm of L2 when the triangulation is coaser but just the same inthe case of H1-norm.
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      Based on the framework of stabilized methods developed by H. YDUAN for mixed variational problems, a new mixed formulation based on Riesz representing operotors is presented for the thin axisymmetric cylindrical shell with free egde boundary conditions. With the linear interpolation element, we show that this new for mulation is coercive, and that the resulted algebraic linear system is symmetric positive definite with spectral condition number O(h -2 ). Moreover, O(h) and O(h 2) are obtained by employing H 1 norm and L 2 norm respectively. Finally, numerical experiments verify the above theoretical results, and in addition indicate that the methodology devised here converges faster than the classical Babuka Brezzi method in the norm of L 2 when the triangulation is coaser but just the same in the case of H 1 norm.