A cross-sectional shape multiplier method for optimum design of structures with beam elements
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KeyWord:structure,optimization,Shape multiplier
Yu Zhicheng  Zhao Wenzhong
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      The cross-sectional shape multiplier method was presented deal with section properties of beam element. The cross-section of a given beam element can be defined by the locations or coordinates of its boundary corner-points. It will be shown here that the section properties of a given beam element are functions of the location of its corner-points. Therefore , know- ing the initial shape of a cross-section , the shape multiplier can be used as design variables to find the new cross-sectional shape and the corresponding properties for any simple or com- plex cross-section. For frame structures , this can substantially reduce the total number of design variables and improve the efficiency of the optimum design process. Numerical exam- ples show that the performance of the method is satisfactory and the method is easy to be used.