Static analysis for suspension bridges under construction based on SFEM
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KeyWord:suspension bridge,stochastic finite element method,construction stage,Geometric nonlinearity,random field
Liu Chunhua\ \ Qin Quan
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      At the construction stage, suspension bridges not only have significant geometric nonlinearity behavior, but also possess variation of material. Based on the perturbation method, an analytical method of the static problems of long span suspension bridges is presented in this paper. An incremental formulation is established for the nonlinear stochastic finite element method SFEM of static problems, which can involve in the geometric nonlinearity such as large displacement and beam column effect. As an example, the midspan deflection of a long span suspension bridge under construction is analyzed when the elastic modulus of the cables is assumed to be correlated random variables. Numerical results show that the material randomness has a significant effect on the midspan deflection.