Some results on edge effects in composite laminates by quasi similar finite element method
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KeyWord:edge effect,similar element,quasi similar element,stress concentration
Qin Zhongguo
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      In this paper the edge effects in composite laminates has been studied with the quasi similar finite element method.Some new results has been drawn.Fomula for the simplified computation of the mixed hybrid element stiffness matrix has been dirived.For the usually used displacement models,the formula can be discussed in the same way.By means of the quasi similer element mothed,the problem of stress concentrations can be solved effictively.The computer memory size asked for the method is small because that the computation of the converse metrix can been avoided.the numerical examples givin in this paper show that the method has a good behavior,a few conclusion are got about inter laminates stress at the free edges around a hole in composite laminates,and that may be valuable in engineering.