Multi rigid body discrete element method of large displacement elasto plastic analysis for plane frames
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KeyWord:discrete element method,steel frame,large displacement,elasto plasticity,ultmate carrying load capacity,
Ren Weixin
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      This paper presents a multi rigid body discrete element method based on the rigid body Spring model to solve the ultimate carrying load capacity of frame structures involving large displacement and elasto plasticity.At first, the tangential stiffness matrix of rigid body element is derived under global coordinate system and the incremental equilibrium equation is established. Then, the elasto plastic spring coefficient matrix of rigid body element is developed in terms of the plastic incremental theory and a incremental numerical formulation of multi rigid body element method is formed by implementing plastic hinge method of internal force plastic interaction surface. The formulation is successfully applied to the ultimate carrying load capacity of plane steel frames involving large displacement and elasto plasticity.Results obtained from this approach agree with independent published numerical or test results, which maked multi rigid body element method more appealing to ultimate carrying load capacity analysis.