The analysis of the effect of crystallographic orientations on the fracture of nickei-base single crystals
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KeyWord:crystals,crystal orientation,fracture,
Yue  Z. F. Lu  Z.Z. Zheng  C.Q.
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      Combined with the experiments of compact tensional (CT) specimens made of nickel-base single crystals in three crystallographic orientations, the three dimensional fracture have been analyzed by a crystallographic finite element program, which takes the effects of lattice rotation and finite deformation into consideration. The special attention were paid on the three dimensional stress structure and fracture characteristics. The results show that the stress structure is dependent on the crystallographic orientations of specimens. For the considered three specimens, the stress structures near the crack tips can be devided into two parts along the thickness direction. One part is the central region, where the stress keeps similar along the thickness direction, another is the lateral region, where the stress changes obviously. The crack tip openning displacement (CTOD) has the similar distribution as stresses along the thickness direction. The stress component normal to the slip plane results the quasicleavage fracture, on which the initation and growth of the crack are dependent.