A partially continuous composite grid generation for solution of partial differential equations
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KeyWord:finite element analysis/partially continuous compesite grid,body-fitted grid,
Xie Wei  Chen Caikan  Cheng Ersheng
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      In this paper, the differential equation method that generate partially continuous composite (PCC) grid for the solution of differential equations is introduced. In this method, the control e quations are poisson equations with special boundary conditions. The PCC grid of a stem trans verse section of a cochlea-channlled ship are calculated. Compared with single grid system, the PCC grid system has improved the quality of grid apparently. In order to verify the versatility of this method, another example is also given. Through both examples, the above method has shown some advantages compared with algebraic method: The first is that the density of grid can be adjusted with control functions;The second is that the interface is generate automatically through iterative solution.