Finite element analysis of solid-fluid interaction considering the geometric nonlinearitv of the solid
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KeyWord:finite element method/solid-fluid interaction,geometric nonlinearity,T,L,formu-lation,
Zhang Jianhai  Chen Dapeng
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      Based on the pressure propagation equation of invisid,compressible fluid and incrementalTotal Lagrangian formulaion,the finite element equations of the solid-fluid interaction sys-tem are es-tablished.The method presented here is valid in such cases as the fluid domain be-ing much larger than the solid domain,so that only the nonlinearty of the solid needs to bestudied.Because there is only one unknown(pressure)at each nodal point of the fluid do-main,the computational effort for fluid is greatly reduced.At the same time,only the nonlin-earity of the solid domain needs to be studied,so that it is simplified to analyze the nonlinear-ity of the solid-fluid problems. The present method can be extended into 3-D analysis.