Overall stability and second-order analyses of tall building tubular structures with stepped cross-sections by FEMOL
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KeyWord:stability/tall tubular structures,stepped cross-sections,finite element method of lines:second-order analysis
Bao Shihua  Yang Maoseng  Yi Shengchuang
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      In this paper,overall stability and second-order analyses of tall building tubular struc-tures with stepped cross-sections by use of the Finite Element Method of Lines(FEMOL)are presented.The framed tubes are firstly replaced by equivalent orthotropic continua.Then the continuum models are analyzed by applying FEMOL,in which the nodal displace-ments are taken as primary unknown functions. The Minimum Potential Energy Principlesare used to set up the Ordinary Differential Equtations(ODE)of overall stability and sec-ond-order analyses.The ODEs are directly solved by ODE Solver,which is a general pur-pose program developed for solving various ODE,Then the stability critical loads and thesecond-order displacement and internal forces can be obtained.