A program DDJTJQ for static and buckling analysis of engineering structures
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KeyWord:finite element analysis,engineering structure,buckling/post-buckling,geome-tric nonlinear,computer program,
Deng Keshun
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      The code DDJYJQ is a general purposed finite element program ,which is developed by Research Institute of Engineering Mechanics of Dalian University of Technology in China,for static and buckling analysis of the complex structures.The program is coded in Fortran77.Many advances have been made in the program since its initial version was appraized onthe certificate meating organized by the Ministry of Aerospace Industry of the People's Re-public of China in October 1986.The program has been used to analyze many engineeringstructures such as the complex stiffened plates and shells, practice rocket structures, reticu-lated shell structures,huge vacuum tank,containers of large scale power transfOrmers,andso on. In this paper,the capabilities and the features, the capacity of the program are intro-duced.The numerical results of three engineering structures are given to illustrate the appli-cation of the DDJTJQ.