Buckling of elliptical delamination for symmetrical composite laminate subjected complex load
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KeyWord:laminate/delamination buckling
Wen Xuanling  Chen Haoran
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      A Rayleigh-Ritz method is presented to determine the load or strain at which delamina-tion buckling will occur for a symmetrical composite laminate containing a single delamina-tion. This delamination is assumed to be elliptical in shape,with local axes of symmetrywhich may be at an angle a relative to the globle axes of the laminate. The laminate is suh-jected to complex loading,which include uniaxial and biaxial compression and shear. The crit-ical strain values of delamination buckling have been investigated for the delamination regionwith different a and ratio a/b of the major axis and the minor axis. The effects of possiblecoupling behavior of the delamination region have been considered.