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KeyWord:frame structures,finite element method/geometric non-linear,virtual work in-crement equation,large displacements and rotations,Updated Lagrangian for-mulation,
Huang Wen  Li Mingrui  Huang Wenbin
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      Based on the virtual work increment equation for the three-dimensional continuum,in-terpolating the translations and rotations respectively,the Updated Lagrangian formulation for large displacements and rotations internal force analysis of space Timoshenko beam struc-tures is developed.Considering the effect of axial,shearing,flecxural and torsional deforma-tions,a new type of geometric stiffness matrix is presented.The transformation rnatrix of co-ordinate was given for commutative law of large rotations.Numerical solution showed that the program devoloped by the proposed method in this paper is available for the analysis of strong non-linear behavior of structures. Under the assumption of rotational increment in every step is small,problem of arbitrarily large rotations is able to be solved.