Finite element analysis for coupled creep elastoplastic damage response
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KeyWord:creep,elastoplasticity,coupling/damage,anisotropic nonlinearity,consisterit algo- rithm,
Li Xikui
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      This paper deals with the computational aspects of coupled creep elastoplastic damage response for anisotropic,and as a special case isotropic nonlinear materials .A three phase backward Euler integration algorithm for stress update is proposed.For anisotropic nonlinearmaterials a general direct stress return mapping algorithm,using Newton-Raphson iteration,is derived.The stress vector and scalar internal state variables quantifying the incrementalcreep,plasticity and damage are updated simultaneously.The consistent tangent matrix is al-so formulated for use in a global Newton iterative procedure,Numerical examples are givento illustrate the capability and performance of the proposed algorithm and formulations inmodellimg the coupled constitutive behaviour.