Generalized variable approximation for geometry optimization of trusses
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KeyWord:structure,optimization,geometry/approximate concept,
Xu Suqiang  Xia Renwei
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      An approximation method in terms of generalized intermediate variables for geometryoptimization of trusses is suggested.Firstly,a set of generalized intermediate variables areintroduced,which include local flexible characteristic,directional cosines and elements of re-lation matrix of the internal force vs displacements for each bar. Structural responses aremore linear with respect to the generalized variables than with respect to design variables.Sodisplacements and internal forces are linearized by the first Taylor series expansion in termsof the generalized variables.Stress and buckling constraints are calculated by the approxi-mated forces,The approximated problems are soloved by a optimizer in the design variablespace,Finally,Several examples are given,Results illustrate effficiency of the method.