The effect of interface on overall average mechanical properties and local stress fields of multi-phase medium materials
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KeyWord:multiphase medium,interface,overall average mechanical properties,self-consistent fi-nite element method,
Chen Haoran,Su Xiaofeng,Yang Qingsheng,Zheng Changliang
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      A self-consistent finite element method(SCFEM)is presented for the prediction of overallaverage mechanical properties of multiphase composite materials.The method is based on the gen-eralized self-consistent model developed by authors. Numerical results are presented for typicalcomposite materials with different volume fraction and interface thickness. The results show thatthe interface thickness affects the overall average longitudinal shear modulus and trasverse bulkmodulus considerably ,however,influences on the longitudinal Young's modulus slightly. Thepaper is also concerned with the evaluation of local stress fields in the interface region.