Zero-One Programming for the Optimum Design of R. C. Beams
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KeyWord:discrete variable,zero-one programming.optimum design
He Pusheng
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      In this paper,the (0,1) programming method is used to the optimun design of reinforced concrete beam with rectangular and T-shaped sections . According to the demands of engineering design, sizes of section are adopted as discrete variables , the object function is the total cost of beam, the constraints are these, such as the strength material, propagation width of crack, deflect ion, percentage of reinforcement, sizes and all other requirements in code.After finding optimum section of beam and corresponding amount of reinforcement, the mode! of automatically optimum selection reinforcement T. C. beam is established according to the design code and optimization theory and the (0,1) programming method is then used to select the reinforcement. Some examples show the efficiency and reliability of this method.