A Finite Element Method for Incompressible and Nearly- Incompressible Viscoelasticity
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KeyWord:finite element method, viscoelasticity, solid propellant
Hu Yafei  Wang Yuanyou  Wang Xinhua
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      The constitutive relation valid for incompressible and nearly-incompessible viscoelastic body is derived based on Herrmann Functional, and a finite element formulation is obtained by invoking the principle of virtue-work. A computer program VFAPINP is developed, which can be used for the solution of plane problems, and one test example is done using the program. All the results show that the approach and the computer program presented here are valid for the problem of stress analysis of viscoelastic problem when Poisson's ratio approaches 0. 5 or equals to 0. 5 and can be used to the strength analysis of solid propellant grain.