Iteration Analysis for the Vibration Characteristics of the Viscoelastic Damping Structure Systems
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KeyWord:viscoelasticity, iteration method, damping, vibration characteristic, Generalized Rayleigh Quotient
Chen Guoping  Zhu Demao
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      It is very complex and difficult for the viscoelastic damping material structure systems to analyze their vibration characteristics. An effective iteration method is given in this paper. The term "Generalized Rayleigh Quotient" is firstly defined. It is indicated that the stationary value problem of the Generalized Rayleigh Quotient is equivalent to the solution of the original eigenproblem. A better approximate estimation of eigenvalue can be get by the Generalized Rayleigh Quotient using an approximate estimation of eigenvector. Based on that, an iteration method is constructed and some numerical examples are calculated.