A New Incompatible Curved Quadrilateral Plane Element with Eight Nodes
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KeyWord:eight nodes,incompatible,curved quadrilateral,plane element
Ji Zhenyi
Anhui Architectural Industry College
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      In this paper, a new method for constructing incompatible finite element is presented on the basis [1] and [2] . It doesn't need the variational principle and can be applied to solve non-positive or positive definite partial differential equations with arbitrary variable coefficient.By the present method, a new incompatible curved quadrilateral plane element with eight nodes is obtained. Compared with the general finite element, the present element may heighten first order convergence rate. The numerical integral is not needed in forming element stiffness matrix by the present method. The ccmpatibility condition between elements can be treated very easily. Its convergence is proved in this paper. The numerical exanples arc giver, at the end ef this paptr, which indicated that the displacements and stresses have satisfactory numerical precision.