The KFD Method for the Optimum Design of Structure and the Application in the Optimal Design of Whole Structure of Electrostic Precipitator
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KeyWord:optimum design of structure,electrostic precipitator
Kang Jinzhang  Wang Changfu
Fuzhou University
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      The optimal design of whole structure of electrostic precipitator is a adjustable optimal problem of geometry and topology, which has larger scale and many design variables. On the basis of the work in [1], a theorem is established by taking full advantage of the structural property and using the concept of effective design variable for the large-sized and complex optimum design problem of structure. With the established theorem a feasible direction method named KFD can be obtained by not computing the partial derivatives of constrains and solving a linear programming. The method has the advantages of less space taken and fast convergence rate compared with the usual feasible direction method of e effective constrain. The results of a practical example show that the proposed method is quite efficient.