Research on Failure Mechanism and Optimal Design of Solder Joint Shape Parameters of Projectile-borne Ceramic Capacitor under High Overload Impact
投稿时间:2024-11-15  修订日期:2024-12-07
中文关键词:  贴片电容  高过载环境  印制板电路板  失效机理  优化设计
英文关键词:Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor  high overload environment  printed circuit board  failure mechanism  optimal design
刘启明 河北工业大学 300401
贾彬彬 河北工业大学 
李涛 河北工业大学 
杨伟龙 河北工业大学 
史宝军* 河北工业大学 300401
摘要点击次数: 8
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      The projectile-borne Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor(MLCC) is subjected to complex coupling effects such as stress wave and inertia force in the high overload environment of shooting, which leads to its easy failure and seriously affects the functional reliability of the projectile. Therefore, through the combination of high-speed impact test and numerical simulation, this paper deeply explores the failure mechanism of the projectile-borne MLCC under high overload environment and optimizes the solder joint structure to improve its anti-high overload capability. First, the critical curvature of the Printed Circuit Board(PCB) under high overload environment is derived according to the thin plate theory, and the damage failure of the MLCC is quantified. The predicted shape of the solder joint of the MLCC is established based on the principle of minimum energy. Then, the numerical model of the projectile-borne device is constructed and verified, and the overload response to the projectile-borne MLCC is analyzed; Finally, the optimization model containing the shape parameters of solder joints is constructed and optimized based on Support Vector Regression and Difference Evolution. The research results show that in the high overload environment, the bending deformation of PCB and the extrusion of adjacent components cause the MLCC to be subjected to tensile stress, which is the main reason for the fracture failure of its solder joint. The optimal design of solder joint shape parameters effectively reduces the risk of fracture failure, providing a theoretical basis and means for failure analysis and anti-overload design of projectile-borne MLCC.
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