The thermo-mechanical solution for an orthotropic simply supported composite arch under a temperature environment
投稿时间:2024-10-30  修订日期:2024-11-24
中文关键词:  层合拱  正交各向异性  温度场  热弹性本构关系  传递矩阵法  热弹性力学解
英文关键词:laminated arch  orthotropic anisotropy  temperature field  thermoelastic constitutive relations  transfer matrix method  thermoelastic mechanics solution
神琛斐 江苏大学 212000
钱海* 江苏大学 212013
陆春华 江苏大学 
摘要点击次数: 37
全文下载次数: 0
      Orthotropic composite laminated structures are widely used in various engineering industries, such as aviation, construction, and manufacturing, due to their lightweight, high strength, and high customizability. This paper, based on the heat conduction equation and the theory of thermoelasticity, constructs a state equation using internal displacement and stress of the structure, and solves for the displacement and stress distribution of orthotropic simply-supported laminated arches under a temperature environment. Firstly, the temperature distribution within the laminated arch is derived based on the continuity of interlayer temperature and radial heat flux density. A state equation for the laminated arch is established according to the mechanical equilibrium differential equation, geometric deformation relationship, and constitutive relationship of thermal stress. The state equation is simplified using Fourier series expansion and the sublayer method, and the solutions for stress and displacement under the influence of temperature are obtained by considering the continuity of interlayer displacement stress and stress boundary conditions. Convergence analysis and comparison with finite element results demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the method presented in this paper. Finally, three numerical examples are provided to investigate the effects of temperature, thickness-to-radius ratio, number of constituent layers, and material properties on thermal stress and displacement.
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