Research on implicit LU-SGS algorithm based on adaptive Cartesian grid bal-anced ordering
投稿时间:2024-10-20  修订日期:2024-11-22
中文关键词:  自适应笛卡尔网格  LU-SGS算法  隐式重排序
英文关键词:Adaptive Cartesian Grid  LU-SGS Algorithm  Implicit Reordering
罗灿炎 国防科技大学空天科学学院 410003
毕 林* 空天飞行空气动力科学与技术全国重点实验室 621000
高 鹤 空天飞行空气动力科学与技术全国重点实验室 
陈科锦 空天飞行空气动力科学与技术全国重点实验室 
袁先旭 空天飞行空气动力科学与技术全国重点实验室 
唐志共 空天飞行空气动力科学与技术全国重点实验室 
摘要点击次数: 37
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      Adaptive Cartesian grids typically employ an octree data structure, which differs from traditional structured/unstructured grids in terms of grid topology, neighbor relationships, and data access. Therefore, the conventional LU-SGS implicit algorithm needs to be extended for adaptive Cartesian grids. This paper develops an LU-SGS algorithm within the framework of adaptive Cartesian grids. By employing a recursive Z-curve method to reorder the computational grid, balanced grid numbering is achieved. For the complex neighbor relationships near hanging nodes, appropriate interpolation methods are selected categorically to obtain neighbor information. Results from typical test cases indicate that, for steady-state problems, the convergence efficiency has improved by an order of magnitude compared to the previous approach. In the rapid aerodynamic evaluation of three-dimensional inviscid cases, the residual decreased by 10 orders of magnitude, and the aerodynamic coefficients converged in 370 iterations, which is a significant im-provement over the 1280 iterations required by the Runge-Kutta format and the 4070 iterations required by the Euler format.
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