Thermoelastic coupling multi-objective topology optimization of additively manufactured non-uniform lattice structures
投稿时间:2024-04-17  修订日期:2024-05-08
中文关键词:  非均匀点阵结构  等效热传导性能预测  热弹性耦合  几何建模  节点球光滑化
英文关键词:Non-uniform lattice structure  equivalent heat conductivity prediction  thermoelastic coupling  geometric modeling  node sphere smoothing
丛煜昊* 大连理工大学 116024
易斯男 北京机电工程研究所 
赵政 大连理工大学 
摘要点击次数: 202
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      This paper presents a thermoelastic coupled multi-objective topology optimization model for integrated design of spatially non-uniform lattice structures with load-bearing and heat transfer functionalities to fulfil the specific requirements of lightweight, high load-bearing capacity, and excellent thermal conductivity for aerospace engineering applications. To address the need for high stiffness-to-mass ratio and high-permeability configurations, the study focuses on relative density-based distribution of Octet unit cells in a lattice structure. First, the relationships between the equivalent stiffness, heat conductivity of Octet lattice cells and their geometric design parameters are established through homogenization and polynomial regression. Then, with the resulting property prediction models of the equivalent properties, the topology optimization problem of non-uniform lattice structures is formulated and solved with a gradient-based mathematical programing algorithm for determining the design variables in the unit cell level and the macro-structure level. Therein, the structural stiffness under mechanical and thermal loads, and the heat conduction performance, are simultaneously optimized. Further, a geometric post-processing approach is introduced to tackle the modeling issues related to abrupt local geometric changes in the optimized non-uniform lattice structures. The postprocess comprises of two steps: a volume-preserving equal-diameter transformation of shared rods of adjacent lattice unit cell, and a node sphere smoothing at shared nodes. Several numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the optimization design method and the feasibility of additive manufacturing in realizing these intricate structures.
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