Reliability analysis method of slope stability considering spatial variability of parameters and its application
投稿时间:2024-04-03  修订日期:2024-05-23
中文关键词:  边坡稳定  可靠性分析  Kriging  空间变异性  随机场
英文关键词:soil stability  reliability analysis  Kriging  spatial variability  random field
易平* 大连理工大学 116024
刘福海 国网经济技术研究院有限公司 
李志轩 大连理工大学 
王洪志 中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司山东分院 
摘要点击次数: 182
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      The difficulty of slope stability reliability analysis is reflected in both the fact that the performance function involved is highly nonlinear implicit function, and that soil parameters are usually spatially variable and random field models essentially with many random variables should be adopted, which leads to a sharp increase in computational load and dimensional disaster. Aiming at these difficulties, this paper proposes an active learning Kriging reliability analysis method based on dimensional distance strategy, which avoids the phenomenon of sample points being too close to one another and information redundancy and improves the computational efficiency. Several numerical examples show that the method’s efficiency is more evident in high-dimensional problems. Slope stability reliability analysis based on random field model can then be performed by combining this improved active learning Kriging method and the material point strength reduction method. The stability reliability analysis of a two-layer slope based on stationary and non-stationary random fields shows that the proposed method can reduce the computation cost effectively. It is also shown that the failure probability of the non-stationary random field slope considering the variation of soil parameters with depth is significantly higher than that of the stationary random field slope.
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