Study on Vertical Vibration Characteristics of Pile in Fractional Rheological Soil
投稿时间:2024-03-23  修订日期:2024-05-11
中文关键词:  流变性土  分数阶导数  桩基  竖向振动
英文关键词:rheological soil  fractional derivative  pile foundation  vertical vibration
陈振宏 甘肃省地质矿产勘查开发局 730050
王立安* 兰州交通大学 730070
摘要点击次数: 173
全文下载次数: 0
      Using fractional derivatives to modify the Zener standard rheological solid model and considering the instantaneous rheological effect of the soil around the pile, a vertical coupled vibration model of the pile soil system is constructed. The frequency domain analytical solution of the system dynamic control equation is derived using Laplace transform and potential function decomposition methods, and the time domain response under instantaneous excitation at the pile top is obtained through Laplace numerical inversion. The effectiveness of the proposed method was validated using a degradation model and finite element model. Then, numerical examples were used to analyze the frequency domain characteristics of displacement, dynamic stiffness, and dynamic damping of pile foundation vertical vibration in a rheological clay layer, as well as the wave response under instantaneous excitation at the pile top. Research has found that the rheological effect of soil reduces the amplitude of pile top displacement, dynamic stiffness and the rheological effect of soil causes a decrease in the amplitude of the pile top response and a weakening of the reflected wave signal under instantaneous excitation.
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