Numerical integration on regular background mesh
投稿时间:2024-03-08  修订日期:2024-04-21
中文关键词:  规则背景网格  数值积分  四叉树  边界重构
英文关键词:regular background mesh  numerical integration  quadtree  boundary reconstruction
任林娟 北京理工大学 100081
周平章* 北京理工大学 100081
摘要点击次数: 222
全文下载次数: 0
      In fictitious domain methods (e.g., the immersed boundary method, the cut cell method, and the finite cell method, etc.), it is usually required to carry out numerical integration over non-body-fitted background meshes. In this case, strong discontinuity occurs in the extended integration domain, so traditional methods like Gauss integration behave poorly. In this paper, two integration techniques to solve this problem are listed and compared, of which the second one is proposed for the first time and is shown to be promising in term of accuracy. Both techniques subdivide the background cell into smaller subcells using the tree data structure. The first technique directly distributes Gauss points in each subcell, while the second technique further reconstructs the boundary so that the Gauss points are distributed in the interior of the reconstructed integration domain. Two examples in this paper show that the second technique (i.e., subdivision with boundary reconstruction) has fast and monotone convergence, so is superior in most cases, and the reliability of the technique is verified by a computational mechanics problem. The proposed techniques are highly flexible and can be used in various applications since they do not require the integration domain to have closed-form expressions.
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