孙录斌,杨佑绪,张兴翠,吴逸飞,王斌.分布式电推进飞机复材机翼气动弹性分析及剪裁方法研究[J].计算力学学报,2024,41(6):1072~1080 |
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分布式电推进飞机复材机翼气动弹性分析及剪裁方法研究 |
Aeroelastic analysis and tailoring method study on composite wing of distributed electric propulsion aircraft |
投稿时间:2023-06-12 修订日期:2023-08-08 |
DOI:10.7511/jslx20230612003 |
中文关键词: 分布式电推进 螺旋桨滑流 双向流固耦合 气动弹性剪裁 遗传算法 BP神经网络 代理模型 |
英文关键词:distributed electric propulsion propeller slipstream bidirectional fluid-structure interaction aeroelastic tailoring genetic algorithm BP neural network surrogate model |
基金项目:江西省"双千计划"人才项目(CK202006470)资助. |
摘要点击次数: 29 |
全文下载次数: 20 |
中文摘要: |
分布式电推进飞机通常采用大展弦比复合材料机翼,但随着动力数量的增加,螺旋桨滑流效应对机翼的气动干扰使大展弦比机翼的变形进一步加剧,难以使用刚体机翼精确评估柔性机翼的气动性能。为高保真计算DEP飞机机翼的气动性能参数,基于CFD/CSD双向流固耦合和螺旋桨滑流效应,分别对X-57单机翼、翼尖螺旋桨/机翼耦合(巡航状态)、分布式螺旋桨/机翼耦合(高升力状态)进行静气动弹性计算,在不同攻角下,分析柔性机翼静气弹变形对气动性能的影响。最后引入嵌套遗传算法的BP神经网络代理模型,对机翼蒙皮铺层角进行优化。研究结果表明,螺旋桨滑流增加了机翼上下表面压力差从而增大机翼的升力系数,且在低马赫数大攻角下升力系数增量更为明显;柔性机翼的气动性能与刚体机翼有较大差异,螺旋桨滑流使刚体机翼升力系数最大提高了38.72%,使柔性机翼升力系数提高了23.51%;复合材料铺层角度对机翼升阻比有显著影响,可通过优化铺层角提升机翼纵向刚度特性提高机翼升阻比。为一般螺旋桨飞机柔性机翼的气动性能评估及气动弹性剪裁提供了一种兼顾时效性与准确性的计算方法。 |
英文摘要: |
Distributed electric propulsion aircraft usually adopt high-aspect-ratio composite wings,but with the increase of power,the aerodynamic interference of propeller slipstream effect on wings further aggravates the deformation of the wings,and it is difficult to accurately evaluate the aerodynamic performance of flexible wings using rigid wing models.In order to calculate the aerodynamic performance parameters of a DEP aircraft wing with high fidelity,based on CFD/CSD bidirectional fluid-structure interaction and propeller slipstream effect,the static aeroelastic calculation of X-57 isolated wing,wingtip propeller/wing coupling(cruise state) and distributed propeller/wing coupling(high lift state) is carried out respectively.The influence of aeroelastic deformation of a flexible wing on aerodynamic performance is analyzed at different angles of attack.At last,a BP neural network surrogate model based on nested genetic algorithm is introduced to optimize the ply angle of the wing skin.The results show that the propeller slipstream increases the pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing,which increases the lift coefficient of the wing,and the increase of lift coefficient is more obvious at low Mach number and high angle of attack.The aerodynamic performance of the flexible wing is quite different from that of rigid wing.The propeller slipstream maximally increases the life coefficient of a rigid wing by 38.72%,and that of the flexible wing by 23.51%.The composite ply angle has a significant effect on the lift-drag ratio of the wing,and the lift-drag ratio can be improved by optimizing the ply angle to improve the longitudinal stiffness of the wing.A calculation method that takes into account timeliness and accuracy is provided for the aerodynamic performance evaluation and aeroelastic tailoring of the flexible wing of general propeller aircraft. |
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