Dynamic optimization design of bridge structures based on reliability
投稿时间:2023-05-09  修订日期:2023-07-21
中文关键词:  结构动力优化设计  动力特性  动力响应  桥梁结构  结构可靠度
英文关键词:structural dynamic optimization design  dynamic characteristics  dynamic response  bridge structures  structural reliability
黄海新 河北工业大学 土木与交通学院, 天津 300401 hhxhebut@126.com 
吕亚伦 河北工业大学 土木与交通学院, 天津 300401  
程寿山 交通运输部公路科学研究所 桥梁结构安全技术国家工程实验室(北京), 北京 100080  
摘要点击次数: 33
全文下载次数: 31
      For the problem of uncertainty of dynamic loads on a bridge structures,the numerical characteristics of its dynamic response are determined based on the modal superposition method,and the reliability constraint function of dynamic stress is established by using the first-order second-moment method.The mathematical models of dynamic optimization design with constraints of frequency and dynamic stress reliability,dynamic displacement and dynamic stress reliability respectively,and the corresponding optimization programs are coded on Matlab platform.The test results of examples show that,the dynamic optimization criterion method,particle swarm algorithm and grey wolf algorithm can obtain the optimal value of the objective function of the whole structure mass under the constraint of both dynamic performance and stress reliability,the convergence and stability of PSO are the best,and the number of Doc iterations is the least,and the reliability of the optimized component is improved by more than 70% compared with the traditional dynamic optimization design.Meanwhile,it is found that the optimized mass of the structure will increase with the increase of the variation coefficient of the load amplitude in order to ensure that the reliability index of the structure does not decrease when facing larger uncertainties.The method presented in this paper can provide theoretical guidance for the dynamic optimal design of bridge structures under external random excitation.
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