A study on the evaluation of the virtual surgical effect of inferior turbinectomy based on gas-solid two phase flow numerical simulation
投稿时间:2022-12-22  修订日期:2023-02-11
中文关键词:  数值模拟  鼻甲肥大  虚拟手术  流场  颗粒物
英文关键词:numerical simulation  turbinate hypertrophy  virtual surgery  flow field  particle
高文秀 南京师范大学 能源与机械工程学院, 南京 210046  
陈晓乐 南京师范大学 能源与机械工程学院, 南京 210046 xlc@njnu.edu.cn 
杨慧珍 南京师范大学 能源与机械工程学院, 南京 210046  
陶锋 东南大学附属中大医院耳鼻咽喉科, 南京 210009  
孙宝宾 东南大学附属中大医院耳鼻咽喉科, 南京 210009  
卢瞳 东南大学附属中大医院医学影像科, 南京 210009  
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      运用数值模拟的方法探讨不同的下鼻甲切除虚拟手术方案的效果。为一位患慢性肥厚性鼻炎的患者重建了真实鼻腔模型A,采用虚拟手术的方法修改模型A的几何结构,分别根据双侧下鼻甲下缘水平切除术、下鼻甲后端切除术以及下鼻甲下缘及后端切除术得到了鼻腔模型B、模型C和模型D。并在上述四个模型内分别展开数值模拟,对比分析其流场分布和颗粒物的沉积比与沉积形式。模型A中左侧鼻腔的气流速度较快,左右鼻腔的气流分布差异也较大,模型B和模型D的最大气速和左右鼻腔的流速差异均有减小。在不同流量条件下,模型B和模型D的鼻腔进出口压降与模型A相比均降低。较大粒径的颗粒在鼻腔模型内的沉积比显著降低,8 μm时模型B和模型D的沉积比分别比模型A降低了14.5%和14.8%,10 μm时分别降低了14%和14.5%。模型C的流场分布和颗粒物的沉积特性与模型A相差不大。模型B和模型D可以更好地降低鼻阻力,减轻左右鼻腔流场差异引起的不舒适感, 降低颗粒物在鼻腔内的沉积比,尤其减少了鼻中隔、鼻咽和咽喉区域的颗粒物沉积。
      To evaluate the possibility of analyzing surgical outcomes by comparing different virtual surgery plans for inferior turbinate resection via numerical simulation,the real nasal model (model A) of a patient with chronic hypertrophic rhinitis was reconstructed,and the geometric structure of model A was modified by virtual surgery.model B to model D were obtained according to the resection of the lower margin,the posterior end,and both the lower margin and posterior end of the inferior turbinate,respectively.In the four airway models,simulations were performed to compare the flow distributions and particle deposition characteristics.Compared with model A,the maximum airflow velocity in the left nasal cavity and the difference of airflow velocity distributions in bilateral nasal cavity of model B and model D are both reduced.Under different flow rate conditions,the pressure drops between the inlet and outlet of model B and model D are lower than those of model A.The deposition fractions of large particles in the nasal model was significantly reduced.The deposition fractions in model B and model D are 14.5% and 14.8% lower than that in model A for 8 μm particles,respectively.For 10 μm particles,the reductions in deposition fractions in model B and model D were 14% and 14.5%,respectively.The flow distributions and particle deposition characteristics of model C are similar to those of model A.Model B and model D can better reduce the nasal airway resistance,alleviate the discomfort caused by the difference of flow distributions in bilateral nasal cavity,and reduce the deposition fractions of particle in the nasal cavity.Especially in the nasal septum,nasopharynx and throat,the particle deposition decreases obviously.
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