Discrete element-based analysis of particle flow processes in silos with outlet vibration
投稿时间:2023-02-22  修订日期:2023-05-07
中文关键词:  离散元方法  颗粒介质  解堵塞过程  振动速度  振动加速度
英文关键词:discrete element method  granular materials  flow process  vibration speed  vibration acceleration
王鑫洋 太原理工大学 机械与运载工程学院, 太原 030024  
赵婷婷 太原理工大学 机械与运载工程学院, 太原 030024  
梁绍敏 太原理工大学 机械与运载工程学院, 太原 030024  
张祺 太原理工大学 机械与运载工程学院, 太原 030024 zhangqi@tyut.edu.cn 
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      对于筒仓内的颗粒物质而言,颗粒流量W会受到出口尺寸D的限制。当出口尺寸较小时,颗粒流很容易发生堵塞,而研究解堵塞方法对颗粒输送和疏通问题具有重要的意义。本文利用离散元法构建了一个出口做水平简谐振动的准二维筒仓,详细讨论了出口振动幅度A、频率f以及由这两个参数确定的出口振动速度V和振动加速度Γ对筒仓内球形颗粒流态变化和颗粒流量的影响。结果表明,颗粒流量随出口振动强度的变化趋势与筒仓出口尺寸相关,即D< 5时,W随着振动加速度Γ或振动速度V的增加而增加,W是关于振动速度V的函数;D>5时,W随着振动加速度Γ或振动速度V的增加而减少,振幅和频率分别通过改变颗粒纵向流动范围和流速波动频率对颗粒流量造成影响,导致W不再是振动速度V的函数。
      The particle flow W of granular materials in silos is restricted by the outlet size D.When the outlet size is small,the particle flow is prone to clogging. It is of great significance to study the method of unplugging for particle transport and dredging. In this paper,a quasi-two-dimensional silo with horizontal simple harmonic vibration at the outlet is constructed using the discrete element method,and the effects of the outlet vibration amplitude A,frequency f,and the outlet vibration velocity V and vibration acceleration Γ determined by these two parameters on the changes of spherical particle flow and particle flow rates in the silo are discussed in detail. The results show that the trend of particle flow with outlet vibration intensity is related to the silo outlet size,when D<5,W increases with the increase of vibration acceleration Γ or vibration velocity V,and W is a function about vibration velocity V;when D>5,W decreases with the increase of vibration acceleration Γ or vibration velocity V. The amplitude and frequency affect the particle flow rate by changing the particle longitudinal flow range and flow velocity fluctuation frequency,so that W is no longer a function of vibration velocity V.
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